BÖLÜMÜ : Sualtı Hekimliği ve Hiperbarik Tıp
MEDENİ DURUM : Evli 2 çocuk
YABANCI DİL : İngilizce (İyi Düzeyde)
E-mail : hakan.ay@florence.com.tr, hakanayfb@yahoo.com
Telefon : 0.536.2638282
EĞİTİMİ : Gülhane Askeri Tıp Fakültesi 1994 Ankara
UZMANLIK EĞİTİMİ : GATA Haydarpaşa Sualtı Hekimliği ve Hiperbarik Tıp AD/İstanbul, 1999
1999-2001: Sualtı Hek. Uzmanı, GATA Haydarpaşa Sualtı Hek. ve Hiperbarik Tıp
2002-2004: Sualtı Hek. Uzmanı, Gölcük Deniz Hastanesi
2005-2009: Yrd.Doçent; GATA , Sualtı Hekimliği ve Hiperbarik Tıp AD/ Ankara
2009-2010: Doçent; GATA , Sualtı Hekimliği ve Hiperbarik Tıp AD/ Ankara
2010-2014: Doçent ; GATA Haydarpaşa Sualtı Hek. ve Hiperbarik Tıp AD Baş.
2015-2016: Profesör; GATA Haydarpaşa Sualtı Hek. ve Hiperbarik Tıp AD Baş.
2016 Eylül-2017 Ocak: Profesör; Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi Sualtı Hek. ve Hiperbarik Tıp AD Baş.
2017 – ; İstanbul Florence Nightingale Hastanesi
- Dalış ve Sualtı Tababeti
Profesyonel ve amatör dalgıç muayeneleri,
Sualtı işleri tıbbi danışmanlık, sanayi, ticari dalış saha faaliyetleri tıbbi organizasyonu
- Kronik yara tedavi, yönetim ve eğitim faaliyetleri
- Ulusal ve uluslararası hiperbarik tıp cemiyetlerinde görev, eğitim ve organizasyon
- Kronik yara ve diyabetik ayak konsey üyelikleri
- Ani işitme kaybı ve diğer KBB alanlarında çalışmalar
- Crush, akut travmatik iskemi ve cerrahi alan infeksiyon çalışmaları
- Periferik arter hastalığı ve kritik bacak iskemisi tedavi yaklaşımları
Sualtı Hekimliği ve Hiperbarik Tıp Derneği
Kronik Yara Bakım Derneği
Avrupa ve Amerika Dalış ve Hiperbarik Tıp Dernekleri (EUBS, UHMS)
- Doktora Tezi : “Uzun Dönem HBO uygulamalarının sıçan akciğer dokusundaki oksidan-antioksidan parametreler üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi.” Dr.Kemal ŞİMSEK. 2009
- Uzmanlık Tezi : ‘’ Diyabetik Ayak Hastalarında Sınıflandırma Verilerinin Yatış Süresi ve Prognozla İlişkilerinin Araştırılması.’’ Dr. Ali MEMİŞ. 2015
SCI VE SCI expanded da taranan araştırma makaleleri
1) Gungor A, Poyrazoglu E, Cincik H, Sali M, Candan H, Ay H, “The Effectiveness of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in Tracheal Reconstruction with Auricular Cartilage Grafts,” American Journal of Otolaryngology, 24 (6), 390-394, (2003).
2) Yildiz S, Ay H, Günay A, Yaygili S, Aktaş S, “Submarine Escape from Depths of 30 and 60 Feet: 41,183 Training Ascents without Serious İnjury,” Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 75 (3), 269-271, (2004).
3) Kiralp MZ, Yildiz S, Vural D, Keskin I, Ay H, Dursun H, “Effectiveness of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in The Treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome,” The Journal of İnternational Medical Research, 32 (3), 258-262, (2004).
4) Yildiz S, Kiralp MZ, Akin A, Keskin I, Ay H, Dursun H, Cimsit M, ’’A New Treatment Modality of Fibromyalgia Syndrome: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy,” The Journal of İnternational Medical Research, 32 (3), 263-267, (2004).
5) Yildiz S, Aktas S, Cimsit M, Ay H, Toğrol E, “Seizure Incidence 80,000 Patients Treatments with Hyperbaric Oxygen” Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 75(11), 992-994, (2004).
6) Toklu AS, Shupak A, Yildiz S, Aktas S, Ertracht O, Ay H, Adir Y, Cimsit M, “Aural Barotrauma in Submarine Escape: Is Mastoid Pneumatization Significance?” The Laryngoscope, 115 (7), 1305-1309, (2005).
7) Dundar K, Topal T, Ay H, Oter S, Korkmaz A, “Protective Effects of Exogenously Administered or Endogenously Produced Melatonin on Hyperbaric Oxygen-Induced Oxidative Stress in The Rat Brain” Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology, 32 (11), 926-930, (2005).
8) Dundar K, Gumus T, Ay H, Yetiser S, Ertugrul E, “Effectiveness of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Prospective Clinical Research” The Journal of Otolaryngology, 36(1), 32-37, (2007).
9) Ay H, Topal T, Ozler M, Uysal B, Korkmaz A, Oter S, Ogur R, Dündar K, “Persistence of Hyperbaric Oxygen-Induced Oxidative Effects After Exposure in Rat Brain Cortex Tissue,” Life Sciences, 80 (22), 2025-2029, (2007).
10) Ay H, Uzun G, Onem Y, Aydinoz S, Yildiz S, Bilgi O, Topal T, Atasoyu EM, ‘’Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Cyclosporine-Induced Nephrotoxicity and Oxidative Stress in Rats” Renal Failure, 29 (4), 495-501 (2007).
11) Ay H, Topal T, Uysal B, Ozler M, Oter S, Korkmaz A, Dündar K, “Time-Dependent Course of Hyperbaric Oxygen-Induced Oxidative Effects in Rat Lung and Erythrocytes,” Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology & Physiology, 34 (8), 787-791, (2007).
12) Oter S, Topal T, Sadir S, Ozler M, Uysal B, Ay H, Yaren H, Korkmaz A, Akin A, “Oxidative Stress Levels in Rats Following Exposure to Oxygen at 3 Atm for 0-120 Min.,” Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 78 (12), 1108-1113 (2007).
13) Korkmaz A, Oter S, Sadir S, Topal T, Uysal B, Ozler M, Ay H, Akin A, “Exposure Time Related Oxidative Action of Hyperbaric Oxygen in Rat Brain,” Neurochemical Research, 33 (1), 160-166, (2008).
14) Saglam M, Bozlar U, Kantarci F, Ay H, Battal B, Coskun U, “Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Flow-Mediated Vasodilation: An Ultrasound Study”, Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 27 (2), 209-214, (2008).
15) Kardesoglu E, Aparcı M, Uzun G, Suleymanoglu S, Uz O, Onem Y, Ay H, Kucukardalı Y, Ozkan S, ‘’Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Decreases QT Dispersion in Diabetic Patients’’, Tohoku J. Experimental Medicine, 215(1), 113-117, (2008).
16) Simsek K, Ay H, Topal T, Ozler M, Uysal B, Ucar E, Acikel CH, Yesilyurt O, Korkmaz A, Oter S, Yildiz S, “Long-Term Exposure to Repetetive Hyperbaric Oxygen Results in Cumulative Oxidative Stress in Rat Lung Tissue”, Inhalation Toxicology 23(3):166-172, (2011)
17) Uzun G, Mutluoğlu M, Ay H, Yildiz S, ” Decompression Sickness in Hyperbaric Nurses: Retrospective Analysis of 4500 Treatments”, J of Clinical Nursing, 20, 1784-1787, (2011)
18) Ozler M, Akay C, Oter S, Ay H, Korkmaz A, “Similarities and Differences of Hyperbaric Oxygen and Medical Ozone Applications”, Free Radical Research, 45(11-12):1267-1278, (2011)
19) Sonmez G, Uzun G, Mutluoglu M, Toklu AS, Mutlu H, Ay H, Yildiz S, “Paranasal Sinus Mucosal Hypertrophy in Experienced Divers”, Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, Vol.82, No. 10 (2011)
20) Mutluoglu M, Uzun G, Turhan V, Gorenek L, Ay H, Lipsky BA, “How Reliable Are Cultures Of Specimens From Superfical Swabs Compared With Those of Deep Tissue in Patients With Diabetic Foot Ulcers?”, J Of Diabetes and Its Complications, 26, 225-229 (2012)
21) Koru O, Ozkoc S, Simsek K, Mert G, Ay H, Toz S, Tanyuksel M, “In Vitro Efficacy of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy against Leishmania Tropica Promastigotes and Amastigotes”, Turk J Med. Sci 42(4):705-711 (2012)
22) Simsek K, Ozler M, Yildirim AO, Sadir S, Demirbas S, Oztosun M, Korkmaz A, Ay H, Oter S, Yildiz S, “Evaluation of The Oxidative Effect Of Long-Term Repetitive Hyperbaric Oxygen Exposures on Different Brain Regions Of Rats” The Scientific World J, 849183,7 P (2012)
23) Ustundag A, Simsek K, Ay H, Dundar K, Suzen S, Aydin H, Duydu Y, “DNA Integrity in Patients Undergoing Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO) Therapy”, Toxicology in Vitro 26,1209-1215 (2012)
24) Turhan V, Mutluoglu M, Acar H, Hatipoglu M, Onem Y, Uzun G, Ay H, Oncul O, Gorenek L, “Increasing Incidence of Gram-negative Organisms in Bacterial Agents Isolated From Diabetic Foot Ulcers”, J Infect Dev Ctries 7 (10) : 707-712 (2013)
25) Mutluoglu M, Sivrioglu AK, Eroglu M, Uzun G, Turhan V, Ay H, Lipsky BA, “The Implications of The Presence of Osteomyelitis on Outcomes of Infected Diabetic Foot Wounds” Scandinavian J of Infectious Diseases, 45:497-503 (2013)
26) Simsek K, Yildirim AO, Demirbas S, Oztosun M, Ozler M, Ozkan E, Oter S, Korkmaz A, Ay H, Yildiz S, “Response of Rat Erythrocyte Oxidative Stress Markers to Repetitive Hyperbaric Oxygen Exposures Up to 40 Daily Sessions” J Med Biochem 32 (1) : 32-38 (2013)
27) Akarsu S, Tekin L, Ay H, Carli AB, Tok F, Simsek K, Kiralp MZ, “The efficacy of HBO Therapy in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome” Undersea and Hyperbaric Med. Vol.40, No.2 197 – 200 (2013)
28) Ulcay A, Karakas A, Mutluoglu M, Uzun G, Turhan V, Ay H, “Antibiotherapy with and without Bone Debridement in Diabetic Foot Osteomyelitis: A Retrospective Cohort Study”, Pak J Med Sc, Vol.30 No.1 (2014)
29) Ay H, Salihoglu M, Altundag A, Tekeli H, Memis A, Cayonu M, “The Effect of Hyperbaric Conditions on Olfactory Functions”, Undersea and Hyperbaric Med. Vol.41, No.3 203 – 207 (2014)
30) Ay H, Yuksel R, Simsek K, Topal T, Yesilyurt O, Oter S, Korkmaz A, Ozler M, Uysal B, Yaman H, Bedir O, Bilgic H, ”A new utilization area for hyperbaric oxygen? Improving quality of stored blood’ T.J. Med. Scı. Vol.45-1.105-111 (2015)
31) Saltoglu N, Yemisen M, Ergonul O, Oncul O, Ay H,more. ”Predictors for limb loss among patient with diabetic foot infections: an observational retrospective multicentric study in Turkey” Clin Microbiol Infect. 2015 Jul;21(7):659-64
32) Candas F, Gorur R, Haholu A, Yildizhan A, Yucel O, Ay H, Memis A, Isitmangil T, ”Is tracheal transplantation possible with cryopreserved tracheal allograft and HBO Therapy?” Ann Thorac Surg. 2015 Oct 27. pii: S0003-4975(15)”
33) Undersea Hyperb Med. 2015 Nov-Dec;42(6):539-46. Efficiency of hyperbaric oxygen and steroid therapy in treatment of hearing loss following acoustic trauma. Salihoğlu M, Ay H, Cincik H, Cekin E, Cesmeci E, Memis A, Uzun G, Altundag A, Simsek K.”
34) J Diabetes Complications. 2016 Jul;30(5):910-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2016.02.013. Epub 2016 Feb 21. Causative pathogens and antibiotic resistance in diabetic foot infections: A prospective multi-center study. Hatipoglu M1, Mutluoglu M2, Turhan V3, Uzun G4, Lipsky BA5; Turk-Day Study Group, Sevim E6, Demiraslan H7, Eryilmaz E7, Ozuguz C8, Memis A2, Ay H2, Arda B9, Uysal S9, ”
“35) Ann Ital Chir. 2016;87:83-91.Does hyperbaric oxygen therapy reduce the effects of ischemia on colonic anastomosis in laparoscopic colon resection? Emir S, Gurdal SO, Sozen S, Bali I, Yesildag E, Celik A, Guzel S, Sahin O, Ay H, Topcu B.”
SCI ve SCI expanded da taranan olgu letter vb.
1) Mutlu H, Silit E, Pekkafali Z, Basekim CC, Kizilkaya E, Ay H, Karsli AF. “Cranial MR imaging findings of potassium chlorate intoxication,” American Journal of Neuroradiology, 24 (7), 1396-1398, (2003).
2) Yildiz S, Ay H, Qyrdedi T, “Central Nervous System Oxygen Toxicity During Routine Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy,” Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine, 31(2), 189-190, (2004).
3) Ersanli D, Yildiz S, Togrol E, Ay H, Qyrdedi T, “Visual Loss as A Late Complication of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and its Successful Treatment of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy” Swiss Medical Weekly, 134 (43-44),650-655, (2004).
4) Yildiz C, Ozkan H, Ay H, Yurttas Y, Bilgic S, Simsek K, Basbozkurt M, ‘’A Case of Nicolau Syndrome Treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen’’, Central European Journal of Medicine, 4 (2), 262-264, (2009).
5) Tahmaz L, Irkilata HC, Simsek K, Zor M, Basal S, Ay H, “Urethral Stripping Caused by Stent Removal and Its Successful Treatment with Hyperbaric Oxygen Threapy: A Case Report”, Kaohsiung J Med Sci. Vol.25 No.6 334 – 337 (2009)
6) Mutluoglu M, Senol MG, Yildiz S, Aydinoz S, Ay H, Uzun G, “Affective Disorder and Suicide Attempt in a Child After Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Close Follow-Up Is Imperative”, Ped. Emerg. Care 27(5) 451. (2011)
7) Azik FM, Atay H, Kurekci AE, Ay H, Kibar Y, Ozcan O, “Treatment of Priapism with Automated Red Cell Exchange and Hyperbaric Oxygen in an 11-year-old Patient with Sickle Cell Disease”, Turk J Hematology, 29:270-273 (2012)
8) Mutluoglu M, Sonmez G, Sivrioglu AK, Ay H, “There May Be A Role For HBO Therapy in Transient Osteoporosis of Hip”, Acta Orthopædica Belgica, Vol 78-5:685-687 (2012)
9) Eroglu M, Mutluoglu M, Uzun G, Ay H, “Caustic Skin Burn Caused by Sodium Hydroxide”, BMJ Case Reports, doi:10.1136/bcr-007103 (2012)
10) Mutluoglu M, Uzun G, Eroglu M, Ay H, “Domestic Animals As A Warnings Sign For Carbon Monoxide Poisoning” Pediatric Emerge Care” 28(6) 596 (2012)
11) Mutluoglu M, Uzun G, Ay H, Karagoz H, “Unexpected Thermal Injury Caused by Noncontact heat exposure diabetic patient” J of Burn Care & Research 309 (2013)
12) Uzun G, Onem Y, Hatipoglu M, Turhan V, Mutluoglu M, Ay H, “Pip/tazo – induced Neutropenia, Thrombocytopenia, and Fever During Treatment of A Diabetic Foot ” Sc J of Inf D, 45: (2013)
13) Mutluoglu M, Ay H, Onem Y, Eroglu M, “Sudden Onset of Cyanosis Due To Systemic Onset Juvenil Idiopathic Arthritis” Acta Reumotal Port 38:56-57 (2013)
14) Uzun G, Candas F, Mutluoglu M, Ay H, “Successful Treatment of Soft Tissue Radionecrosis Injury With HBO Therapy” BMJ Case Rep. 9555.1 (2013)
15) Salihoglu M, Turhan V, Onem Y, Ulcay A, Uzun G, Ay H, “Sudden Hearing Loss in a Patient Receiving Piperacillin / tazobactam and Daptomycin For Diabetic Foot Infection” Scandinavian J of Infectious Diseases, 45:239 – 240 (2013)
16) Karabacak E, Mutluoglu M, Memis A, Ay H, “Unexpected wound occuring following negative pressure wound therapy”, International Wound J., 12232(1), (2014)
17) Ersen O, Kara K, Memis A, Mutluoglu M, Ay H, “Unexpected complication of intralesional injection of recombinant human epidermal GF: diabetic foot”, Int. Wound J., 12264(1), (2014)
18) Mutluoglu M, Uzun G, Karagoz H, Memis A, Ersen O, Ay H, ”To debrite or not, that is the question”, Int. Wound J., 1742-4801, (2014)
19) Memis A, Ersen O, Sivrioglu AK, Mutluoglu M, Ay H, ”Iatrogenic synostosis of the toes and phalanges”, Int. Wound J., 12379. Oct. (2014)
“20) J Am Coll Clin Wound Spec. 2016 Mar 14;6(3):53-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jccw.2016.03.002. eCollection 2014. Calcaneal Osteomyelitis Associated With a Severe Abscess. Memis A1, Mutluoglu M1, Öztürk S2, Kara K3, Ay H1.”
“21) Int Wound J. 2016 Oct;13(5):1079. doi: 10.1111/iwj.12553. Epub 2015 Dec 17. Self-treatment of foot ulcers as a risk factor for delayed diagnosis of acral melanoma. Memis A1, Ozturk S2, Mutluoglu M1, Karagoz H3, Ay H1”
“22) Successful treatment of acute sensorineural hearing loss with hyperbaric oxygen therapy Murat Salihoglu1, Ali Memis2*, Mesut Mutluoglu2, G¨unalp Uzun3, Hakan Ay2 .Journal of acut diseases. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.joad.2015.09.002”
Diğer indexlerde taranan uluslarası
“1) Karahatay S, Yilmaz YF, Birkent H, Ay H, Satar B, ‘’ Middle Ear Barotrauma with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Incidence and The Predictive Value of The Nine-step Inflation/Deflation Test and Otoscopy’’, ENT-Ear, Nose & Throat Journal , 87(12) 684-688, December (2008) ”
2) Simsek K, Ozler M, Ucar E, Sadir S, Demirbas S, Uysal B, Ay H, “Pressure-related Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Exposure on Oxidation Products and Antioxidant Enzymes in The Rat Lung”, J of Experimental Integrative Med. (1) : 37-42 (2011)”
3) Ay H, Yildiz S, Uzun G, Solmazgul E, Dundar K, Yildirim İ, ‘‘The Treatment of Deep Frostbite with Hyperbaric Oxygen’’ İnjury Extra, 36, 499-502, (2005).”
4) Mutluoglu M, Ay H, Uzun G, “Cutaneous manifestation of Decompression Sickness: Cutis Marmorata”, The New Zealand Medical J, 124 1340 (2011)
5) Uzun G, Mutluoglu M, Ay H, “Diabetic Foot and Hyperbaric Oxygen Threapy” TAF Prev Med. Bull. 10(3):255-256 (2011)
6) Simsek K, Oter S, Ay H, “HBO and Its Mechanisms of Action: Implication of Several Molecular Process Along with Reactive Species” J of Experimental and Integrative Med., 1(4):205-206 (2011)
7) Uzun G, Ayata A, Mutluoglu M, Unal M, Ay H, Yildiz S, Ersanli D, “Utilization of HBO in Treatment of Corneal Neovascularization Due to Herpes Simplex Keratitis”, Turkiye Klinikleri J Med Sci; 32(2):581-584 (2012)
8) Turhan V, Onem Y, Mutluoglu M, Uzun G, Ay H, “Comments on:Comparison of Microbiological Results of Deep Tissue Biopsy and Superficial Swab in Diabetic Foot Infections” J of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2(2) : 76-77 (2012)
9) Mutluoglu M, Karabacak E, Karagoz H, Uzun G, Ay H, “Topical Ozone And Cronic Wounds Improper Use Of Therapatic Tools May Delay Wound Healing”, North Am. J of Med. Sci. 4(11) 615-616 (2012)
10) Uzun G, Mutluoglu M, Karagoz H, Memis A, Karabacak E, Ay H, “Pitfalls of intralesional ozone injection in diabetic foot ulcers”, J of the American College of Clinical Wound Specialists, 4.81-83 (2014)
Tübitak Ulakbim Türk Tıp Dizin Kurulu Tarafından indexlenen
1) Ay H, Yıldız Ş, “HBO Tedavisi Uygulanan Diabetik Ayak Olgularında TcPO2 ve TcPCO2 Ölçümünün Takip Kriteri Olarak Değerlendirilmesi”, Gülhane Tıp Dergisi, 46(1), 20-24, (2004)
2) Yıldız Ş, Ay H, Dündar K, Elbüken ME, Caymaz O, “Hiperbarik Oksijen ile Tedavi Edilen Olgularda Prolidaz Enzim Seviyeleri”, Gülhane Tıp Dergisi, 46(2), 144-148, (2004)
3) Yıldız Ş, Pehlivan Ö, Ay H, Mahiroğulları M, Kuşkucu M, Akmaz İ, “Kronik Osteomyelit Olgularında HBO Tedavisi”, Gülhane Tıp Dergisi, 46(3), 189-193, (2004)
4) Yıldız Ş, Özkan S, Dündar K, Ay H, Kıralp MZ, Pehlivan Ö, “17 Ağustos Marmara Depremi Sonrası Oluşan Ezilme Yaralanmalarında Hiperbarik Oksijen Tedavisi”, Gülhane Tıp Dergisi, 46(3), 194-199, (2004)
5) Açıkel C, Ülkür E, Ay H, Ergün Ö, Çeliköz B, “Sıçan Kulağında Lazerle Cilt Gençleştirme Sonrası Gelişen Ödemde Hiperbarik Oksijen Tedavisinin Etkisi”, Türk Plast. Rekonstr. Est. Cer. Derg., 12(3), 204-207, (2004)
6) Zeybek N, Yildiz F, Tahmaz L, Peker Y, Yalcin O, Yagci G, Ay H, Cetiner S, “Effect of HBO and Honey int the management of Fournier’s gangrene” J of Harran University Medical Faculty) Cilt6 S.3 (2009)
7) Şimşek K, Yapıcı A, Çermik H, Durmuş M, Özler M, Ay H, Uysal B, Öter Ş, ”Effects of wound dressing materials in combination with HBO on chronic wound healing”, Gülhane Tıp Dergisi, 56(3), 164-168, (2014)
8) Tanyüksel M, Koru Ö, Araz E, Kılbaş Z, Yıldız S, Alaca R, Ay H, Şimşek K, Yıldız C, Yurttaş Y, Demiralp B, Deveci M, Beşirbellioğlu B. ”Applications of free-range sterile larvae of Lucilia sericata for the treatment of chronic wounds” Gülhane Tıp Dergisi, 56(4), 218-222, (2014)
“9) Ustundag A, Şimşek K, Ay H, Dundar K, Suzen S, Aydın A. ”Evaluation of the Genotoxic Effects of Patients Undergoing (HBO) Therapy.” Turkish Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2014, Vol. 11 Issue 2, p203-208 ”
10) Ünver S, Atasoyu EM, Evrenkaya TR, Solmazgül E, Ay H, Saraçoğlu M, “Potasyum Klorat Toksisitesine Bağlı Nörolojik Bulguların Eşlik Ettiği Ender Bir Akut Tübüler Nekroz Olgusu”, Türk Nefroloji Diyaliz ve Transplantasyon Dergisi, 14(3), 143-145, (2005)
11) Erdem Ü, Ay H, Köksal S, Uysal Y, Gündoğan FÇ, Bayraktar MZ, “Allojenik Kemik İliği Transplantasyonu Sonrası Kronik Graft-Versus-Host Hastalığına Bağlı Korneal Perforasyon”, Gülhane Tıp Dergisi, 48(3), 166-168, (2006)
12) Ay H, Şimşek K, ” Hiperbarik Oksijen Tedavisi”, Türkiye Klinikleri Kalp Damar Cerrahisi Özel Sayısı. Cilt 1. sayı 3, 87-90, (2008)
13) Ay H, Mutluoglu M, “Hiperbarik Oksijen Tedavisi Öncesi Hastanın Sistemik ve Otolaringolojik Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi ve Tedaviye Hazırlanması” Türkiye Klinikleri J E.N.T. Special Topics 3(1), (2010)
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