DOĞUM TARİHİ / YERİ : 17 Nisan 1968 /
BÖLÜMÜ : Deniz ve Sualtı Hekimi
YABANCI DİL : İngilizce (İyi düzeyde)
UZMANLIK EĞİTİMİ : İstanbul Tıp fakültesi
İLETİŞİM : Tlf : 0 505 702 71 11
ÇALIŞTIĞI KURUMLAR: Özel Anadolu Hiperbarik Oksijen ve Yara Tedavi Merkezi Gedik Üniversitesi Sualtı Teknolojisi MSO
Hiperbarik Oksijen Tedavi Merkezleri Derneği (Başkan) İstanbul Tabip Odası
Sualtı Hekimliği ve Hiperbarik Tıp Derneği
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on fracture healing in nicotinized rats.Demirtaş A, Azboy I, Bulut M, Uçar BY, Alemdar C, Alabalık U, Akpolat V, Yıldız I, Ilgezdi S.Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg. 2014 May;20(3):161-6. doi: 10.5505/tjtes.2014.52323.PMID: 24936836
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on the healing of burn wounds in nicotinized and nonnicotinized rats.Selçuk CT, Ozalp B, Durgun M, Tekin A, Akkoç MF, Alabalik U, Ilgezdi S.J Burn Care Res. 2013 Jul-Aug;34(4):e237-43. doi: 10.1097/BCR.0b013e318270092e. PMID: 23271059
- Effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on healing in an experimental model of degloving injury in tails of nicotine-treated rats.Demirtas A, Azboy I, Bulut M, Ucar BY, Alabalik U, Ilgezdi S.J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2013 May;38(4):405-11. doi: 10.1177/1753193412469130. Epub 2012 Dec 7. PMID: 23221280
- The effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on the survival of random pattern skin flaps in nicotine-treated rats.Selçuk CT, Kuvat SV, Bozkurt M, Yaşar Z, Gülsün N, Ilgezdi S, Ula M, Ozalp B.J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2012 Apr;65(4):489-93. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2011.11.015. Epub 2011 Dec 3. PMID: 22137978
- The effects of zoledronic acid and hyperbaric oxygen on posterior lumbar fusion in a rabbit model.Yalçin N, Öztürk A, Ozkan Y, Çelimli N, Ozocak E, Erdoğan A, Sahin N, Ilgezdi S.J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2011 Jun;93(6):793-800. doi: 10.1302/0301- 620X.93B6.24257.PMID: 21586779
- Can hyperbaric oxygenation decrease doxorubicin hepatotoxicity and improve regeneration in the injured liver?Firat O, Kirdok O, Makay O, Caliskan C, Yilmaz F, Ilgezdi S, Karabulut B, Coker A, Zeytunlu M.J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg. 2009;16(3):346-52. doi: 10.1007/s00534-009- 0059-9. Epub 2009 Mar 17. PMID: 19288285
- Dysbaric osteonecrosis in experienced dive masters and instructors. Cimsit M, Ilgezdi S, Cimsit C, Uzun G.Aviat Space Environ Med. 2007 Dec;78(12):1150-4. PMID: 18064920
- Hydroxyurea associated leg ulcer succesfully treated with hyperbaric oxygen in a diabetic patient.Akinci B, Yesil S, Atabey A, Ilgezdi S.Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2007 Feb;115(2):143-5. PMID: 17318777
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy used to treat radiation injury: two case reports. Yildiz S, Cimsit M, Ilgezdi S, Uzun G, Gumus T, Qyrdedi T, Dalci D.
Ostomy Wound Manage. 2006 May;52( 5):14-6, 18, 20. Review. PMID: 16773750